In the beginning we would like to know some vocabulary:
Flex container – DOM element which contains flex items. It defines available spaces for its children.
To create a flex container use display property with “flex” or “inline-flex” value;
section {
display: -webkit-box; /* OLD: Safari, iOS, Android browser, older WebKit browsers. */
display: -moz-box; /* OLD: Firefox (buggy) */
display: -ms-flexbox; /* MID: IE 10 */
display: -webkit-flex; /* NEW, Chrome 21+ */
display: flex; /* NEW: Opera 12.1, Firefox 22+ */
display: -webkit-box; /* OLD: Safari, iOS, Android browser, older WebKit browsers. */
display: -moz-box; /* OLD: Firefox (buggy) */
display: -ms-flexbox; /* MID: IE 10 */
display: -webkit-flex; /* NEW, Chrome 21+ */
display: flex; /* NEW: Opera 12.1, Firefox 22+ */
Because it is still Candidate Recommendation, browsers implement it as an experiment, so we need to use prefixes. There are 3 syntaxes – new (standard), old and mid (legacy syntax). In the end of this article I've added some links explain syntax for some of properties. In this article I use standard syntax without prefixes.
flex item – child element of flex container
main axis – axis defined by flex-direction property in flex container, by default it is X-axis (row/row-reverse value)
cross-axis – perpendicular to the main axis.
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